Jordans and The Prince’s Countryside Fund launch Sustainable Agriculture Bursary

23 Jul 2019

The deadline has been extended for six scholarship opportunities as part of the Jordans Cereals and The Prince’s Countryside Fund Sustainable Agriculture Bursary. Prospective undergraduates at the Royal Agricultural University (RAU) and the University of Reading can apply for £5000 of funding support throughout their degree through the bursary, which is now accepting applications until Friday 30 August.

The Sustainable Agriculture Bursary will fund UK based undergraduate students under the age of 35 to support their academic studies and help pursue their interest in, and knowledge of, sustainable farming and agricultural practices.

The six successful applicants will each receive a £3000 cash award in their first year, and a further £1000 cash award (provided by their university) in both their second and third years of study.

All four partners are dedicated to caring for nature and the environment, and the bursary is part of their long-term commitment to help build a more sustainable future for all by making a positive impact in agriculture.

Prospective undergraduate students who have confirmed the Royal Agricultural University or The University of Reading as their first-choice place of study on UCAS for September 2019 are eligible to apply. They can do so by filling in an online application form explaining why they’re interested in sustainable farming.

The recipients of the bursary will also have exclusive access to mentoring from experts at Jordans and The Prince’s Countryside Fund, as well as benefitting from event invitations and access to both organisations’ networks. This presents a unique opportunity to broaden learning potential and to support a more interesting, dynamic CV for future employment in farming and agriculture.

Applications close on Friday 30 August at 12 noon. To find out more visit or