Lambing weekend 2018 at RAU a success despite the snow

21 Mar 2018

Lambing weekend at the Royal Agricultural University (RAU) went ahead despite the icy weather, with several new arrivals contributing to the total of 300 lambs born so far this season.

Over 200 people came to the University’s Harnhill Manor Farm on Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 March 2018 to find out what goes on during this critical time in the rural calendar.

Visitors had the chance to get up close to the lambs, and see some being born. Families enjoyed tractor and trailer rides, educational displays on farming and food production, and met RAU students and staff.

Harnhill’s flock includes mule, Lleyn and Highlander breeding ewes, alongside arable cropping rotated with forage crops grown to support the livestock and underpin the management of a mixed farming system. It is also home to the RAU’s Rural Innovation Centre which shares knowledge between those involved agricultural production and those undertaking applied research.

RAU Farms Director, Tom Overbury, said: "We had a really successful lambing weekend, with many people coming to see what was happening, despite the dreadful weather. Our visitors had a wonderfully relaxed time, as it was less crowded with few queues. That also meant the ewes were more relaxed, with a number of births taking place each day. I’d like to thank all those involved and everyone who came out to support and learn about lambing.” 

For more information please contact on 01285 652531.