Professor Xianmin Chang


Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (China Programmes).


University responsibilities

  • Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (International)
  • Deputy President of RAU AT QAU Joint Institute Management Committee
  • Deputy Chair of RAU SYU PhD Programme Joint Management Committee
  • Standing Member of RAU SDAU Real Estate Double Degree Joint Management Committee
  • Research, Teaching and PG Supervision

Professional memberships

  • Fellow of Royal Society of Biology (FRSB) (2012 elected MRSB, 2021 elected FRSB)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) (2017 – date)
  • Member of International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS) (2017 – to date)
  • Member of the High Value Chemicals from Plants Network Supported by BBSRC (2014 – 2019)
  • Member of Scotland Natural Products Network 2007 to 2011
  • Member of Agronomy Association of China (1992 – to date)

External activities

  • Professor of Qingdao Agricultural University (2021 – to date )
  • Visiting Professor of Wuhan Business University (2018 – to date )
  • External PhD supervisor for Robert Gordon University (2021 – to date)
  • PhD Supervision at Liverpool University (2011 – 2020)
  • Honorary Senior Fellow at Liverpool University (2014 – 2020)
  • Innovate UK Agri-Tech expert assessment panel (2018 – to date)
  • Outer Board (International) Assessor for Irish Research Council (STEM) (2016 –  to date)
  • Senior Consultant of Agroceutical Products Ltd (APL) (2012 – to date)
  • Senior Consultant of AgroPy (UK) Ltd. ( 2019 – to date)
  • FP6 & 7 Expert (Evaluator / Reviewer) (2006 – 2013)
  • Editor in chief for the Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences (2014 – date)
  • Editor for the International Journal of Plant Biology & Research (July 2013 – date)
  • Editor for the Journal of Horticulture and Forestry (Feb 2009 – date)
  • Editor for the Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology (July 2011 to July 2013)

Reviewer for several journals:

  • Industrial Crops and Products,
  • Experimental Agriculture,
  • Environmental and Experimental Botany,
  • Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,
  • The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology


Research interests

  • To develop daffodil germplasm with increased galanthamine content as a source for sustainable production for UK pharmaceutical industry
  • Genetic sequencing, bio-informatics and bio-synthesis
  • Continuing a daffodil breeding programme through maintaining and phenotyping progeny and developing molecular markers between the two parental varieties of the breeding programme, to produce new varieties with high biomass yield both bulb and foliage, high content of galanthamine and other alkaloids, long green growth period and disease resistance 
  • Tissue Culture and Micro-propagation
  • To develop daffodil regeneration system through tissue culture and chipping
  • To develop the method of alkaloid extraction for producing pure chemicals and GC-MS / HPLC analysis
  • Trichoderma (key words: Biocontrol, Alkaloids, pests, diseases, weeds)
  • To investigate fertiliser, elicitation, weed control, fungicides regimes
  • To investigate multi-year cropping regime for sustainable production of galanthamine and other alkaloids
  • To develop machinery for daffodil planting, green top harvesting and lifting and a ‘mobile pre-processing unit’
  • To develop other projects using other plants which could be commercialized

Current project:

  • China - UK Newton Fund, Environmentally Benign Combination Biopesticides: Transforming Pest Control in Chinese and UK agriculture (total grant £1 million). January 2019 - January 2022 (Consultant/Advisor)
  • Research consultant for Agroceutical Products Ltd, TSB/BBSRC (Agri-Tech Catalyst, Industrial Research Award ) “Yellow Gold: Innovative systems for sustainable daffodil-derived galanthamine production in the uplands”.  4.5 years project from 1 Jan 2015 to 31 May 2019.
  • HVCfP Network BIV Project (supported by BBSRC), Assessment and Optimization of Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) of Galanthamine and other Alkaloids from Daffodils for the UK Pharmaceutical Industry, (2014 - 2015) (PI)
  • Coordinator of BBSRC / Defra LINK Project, Link Ref: LK0858 (£1.155millions) Agronomic Processes to optimize galanthamine content of daffodil biomass (AGROGAL). (Oct 2011 – May 2016) 

Completed projects:

  • Link Project 6, Orkney Flours – To Develop the Market for Local Flours in Orkney (Dec/2010 – Dec 2012). (CPI) 
  • Hi-Link Project 5, H & I of Scotland Flora: Identification of the most promising species of Highlands and Islands flowering plants and conifers with a record of human use and categorisation of the end-uses and the route to market for each of the short listed species (2010-2011). (CPI) 
  • New plants for the north (EU NPP project, July 2009 to June 2012) (CPI) 
  • Effect of environmental factors and fertilizers on plant growth and compounds in Sweet Gale (Dec 2007 – May 2011) (CPI)  
  • Daffodil research projects support by Alzeim Ltd (replaced by APL) (2007 – 2012) (PI) 
  • Effect of input (fertilizers, growth regulators & fungicides) on growth and grain quality of Bere, a barley landrace (Supported by Addressing Research Capacity (ARC), Nov. 2007 – Nov. 2010) (PI)  
  • Hi-Link project 4: Identification of modern varieties of wheat, oat and malting barley suited to growing in the North of Scotland (2010 - 2011) (CPI)  
  • Hi-Link project 3: The feasibility study of the growth of modern malting barley on Orkney for Whisky producing (2009) and supply chain (2010 -2012) (CPI) 
  • Hi-Link project 2: Bere Barley – The feasibility study of Bere Whisky producing and supply chain (Continuing supported by Bruichladdich, 2007 – 2010 and onward) (CPI)  
  • Hi-Link project 1: Bere Barley – The feasibility study of Bere biscuits producing  (2007-2008) (CPI)  
  • Herb and salad plants selection for supplying local market year a round (2006 - 2009) (PI)


Teaching duties

  • Crop Production Technology (Module leader)
  • Research Project in Agricultural Technology and Innovation (MSc Dissertation) 
  • Sustainable Agricultural Intensification
  • Advanced Crop and Plant Science
  • BSc (Hon) Dissertation
  • Farm Enterprise Management
  • Crop Production Science


Peer reviewed research papers

  • Ferdausi, A., Chang, X., and Jones, M. 2021. Transcriptomic analysis for differential expression of genes involved in secondary metabolite production in Narcissus pseudonarcissus field derived bulb and in vitro callus,  Industrial Crops and Products,
  • Fraser M.D., Davies J.T.R., Rowlands G. and Chang X. 2021. Integrating Narcissus-derived galanthamine production into traditional upland farming systems, Nature Scientific Reports,  
  • Ferdausi A, Chang X, Hall A and Jones M. 2021. Relative expression of putative genes involved in alkaloid production in Narcissus field and in vitro tissues using semi-quantitative RT-PCR, Gene,!  
  • Ferdausi A, Chang X, Hall A and Jones M. 2021. Enhancement of galanthamine production through elicitation and NMR-based metabolite profiling in Narcissus pseudonarcissus cv. Carlton in vitro calli, In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant,  
  • Caitlin Willis, Stephen P. Foster, Christoph T. Zimmer, Jan Elias, Ralf Nauen, Xianmin Chang, Linda M. Field, Martin S. Williamson & T.G. Emyr Davies. 2020. Investigating the status of pyrethroid resistance in UK populations of the cabbage stem flea beetle (Psylliodes chrysocephala), accepted on 7th July 2020, Crop Protection,     
  • Ferdausi A, Chang X, Hall A and Jones M. 2020. Galanthamine production in tissue culture and metabolomic study on Amaryllidaceae alkaloids in Narcissus pseudonarcissus cv. Carlton, Industrial Crops and Products, 
  • Fraser M.D., Davies J.T.R., Rowlands G. and Chang X. 2017. Incorporating daffodil-derived galanthamine production into upland grassland systems,  in Grassland resources for extensive farming systems in marginal lands: major drivers and future scenarios pp488 – 490,
  • Shah, SSM; Chang, X and Martin P. 2017. Effect of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, plant growth regulator and artificial lodging on grain yield and grain quality of a landrace of barley, International Journal of Environment, Agriculture, and Biotechnology, Vol 2, Issue 4, pp2010 – 2032
  • Shah, SSM; Chang, X and Martin P. 2017. Effect of dose and timing of application of different plant growth regulators on lodging and grain yield of a Scottish landrace of barley (Bere) in Orkney, Scotland, International Journal of Environment, Agriculture, and Biotechnology, Vol 2, Issue 4, pp 2010-2019
  • Fraser, M., Davies, J. and Chang, X. 2017. New Gold in Them Thar Hills: Testing a Novel Supply Route for Plant-Derived Galanthamine, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, vol. 55, no. 4, pp1321-1325
  • Chang, X. 2015. Lycoris, the Basis of the Galanthamine Industry in China, Journal of Agriculture and Allied Science, 4 (3) 1-8
  • Chang, X and Martin, P. 2014. N, P and K fertilizers alter plant growth, essential oil yield and gender of sweet gale (Myrica gale L), The Open Plant Science Journal, 8, 9 – 17
  • Martin, P and Chang, X. 2013. Production potential and crop agronomy of sweet gale (Myrica gale L.) in the north of Scotland, Industrial Crops and Products, 26, 39-49 
  • Chang, X and J T Walker, 2011, Book Review: Physiology of Cotton, Experimental Agriculture. 47 (3), 571 
  • Martin, P and Chang, X, and WishartJ. 2010. Yield response of Bere, a Scottish barley landrace, to cultural practices and agricultural inputs, Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development, 104 (1-2), 39-60
  • Martin, P and Chang, X. 2010. Developing sweet gale (Myrica gale) as a new crop for the cosmetics industry.Aspects of Applied Biology, 101, 115-122
  • Chang, X., Alderson, P.G. and Wright, C.J. 2009. Enhanced UV-B radiation alters basil (Ocimum basilium L) growth and stimulates the synthesis of volatile oils. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry, 1(2),  027-031
  • Peter Martin, John Wishart, Arthur Cromarty, Xianmin Chang2009. New Markets and Supply Chains for Scottish Bere Barley, European landraces: on-farm conservation, management and use, Bioversity Technical Bulletin No 15, 251-263, ISBN 978-92-9043-805-2
  • Chang, X., Alderson, P.G. and Wright, C.J. 2009. Variation in the essential oils in different leaves of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) at day time, The Open Horticultural Journal, 2, 13-16
  • Chang, X., Alderson, P.G. and Wright, C.J. 2008. Solar Irradiance Level Alters Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Growth and Volatile Oil Compounds, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 63, 216-223
  • Martin, P and Chang, X2008. Bere Whisky – rediscovering the spirit of an old barley, The Brewer & Distiller International, 4 (6), p41-43
  • Chang, X., Alderson, P.G., Hollowood, T.A., Hewson, L. and Wright, C.J. 2007. Flavour and aroma of fresh basil are affected by temperature, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, No 87, 1381-1385
  • Martin, P and Chang, X2007. Bere and Beer-Growing old cereals on northern islands, The Brewer & Distiller International, 3 (6), p29
  • Chang, X., Alderson, P.G. and Wright, C.J. 2005. Effect of Temperature Integration on the Growth and Volatile Oil Content of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 80(5), 593-598
  • Chang, X. and Karol Duczmal. 2000. Effects of Natural Products as Seed Coatings on Seed Quality of Daucus carota,Zhongzi Kexue (Seed Science & Technology) No. 4, p221-223.
  • Chang, X. and Karol Duczmal. 2000. Effects of Natural Products as Seed Coatings on Seed Quality of cucumis sativus, Zhongzi (Seed) No. 5, p10-12. 
  • Chang, X2000. Development and Prospects of Seed Treatment, Zhongzi (Seed) No.6, p35-37.
  • Chang, X. and Karol Duczmal. 1999. Polish Seed Industry, Zhongzi (Seed) No.6, p67-68.
  • Guo, Y. and Chang, X. 1994. Optimization of Teaching Method for the Field Technique and Biological Investigation of Crops. Higher Agricultural Education,No.5,  p37-38. (Outstanding Thesis Award) 

Conference papers

  • Chang, X. 2016 (July). Assessment and Optimization of Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) of Galanthamine and other Alkaloids from Daffodils for the UK Pharmaceutical Industry, HVCfP / BBSRC case study (Online here
  • Ferdausi, A; Chang, X; Hall, A and Jones, M. 2016. Tissue Culture Approaches for Production of Amaryllidaceae Alkaloids in Narcissus pseudonarcissus cv. Carlton, ECO-BIO 2016, 6 - 9 March 2016, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Ferdausi A, Chang X, Hall A and Jones M. 2015. Transcriptomic and tissue culture approaches for production of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids. 3rd International Conference on Integrative Biology, Biological System Open Access,
  • Chang, X. 2010. Developing Sweet Gale (Myrica gale) as a Novel Non-Food Crop for the Cosmetics Industry II, Bioactive Natural Product Conference, Inverness, Scotland, 7 Oct. 2010,
  • Chang, X. 2010. Developing Sweet Gale (Myrica gale) as a Novel Non-Food Crop for the Cosmetics Industry I, Orkney International Science Festival Sept. 2010
  • Martin, P and Chang, X. 2010. Developing sweet gale (Myrica gale) as a new crop for the cosmetics industry. AAB Conference Presentation, May 2010
  • Martin, P., Wishart, J., Cromarty, A. and Chang, X2008. Orkney Bere – Development New Markets for an Old Crop. The 5th International Symposium on New Crops and Users: Their Role in a Rapidly Changing World (ISBN 9 78 085432 89 18), p 359-372
  • Martin, P., Wishart, J., Cromarty, A. and Chang, X2008. Developing New Markets and Supply Chains for Bere. Plant Genetic Resources for Food & Agriculture Conference 2008, AAB at HRI, UK (22 May 2008)
  • Chang, X2007. Growing culinary herbs for local use in Orkney, 2007 Orkney International Science Festival (August 2007)
  • Chang, X. and Xu, C. 1993. Effects of Temperature and Solar Radiation on Fiber Quality in Upland Cotton and Mathematical Models”, Proceeding of 1st National Youth Symposium on Crop Culture and Physiology, p250-253.
  • Chang, X. and Xu, C. 1992. Effects of Temperature and Solar Radiation on Fiber Quality in Upland Cotton, Proceeding of 4th National Symposium on Crop Production and Physiology.

Project reports

  • Xianmin Chang, etc. 2013. Interim report of GAROGAL for BBSRC & DEFRA
  • Xianmin Chang2011Lycoris, the basis of the galanthamine industry in China: history, the present and future prospects, Report to Alzeim Ltd. & Heath Foundation
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2011. Report of results from Agronomy Institute research on sweet gale 2008-2010, Agronomy Institute, Orkney College UHI, April 2011
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2011. Highlands & Islands plant species traditionally used for food & drink, cosmetic and medicinal uses with potential for commercialisation, Report to Agros Associates, Feb/11
  • Xianmin Chang & Trevor Walker. 2010. Effect of the Application of Seaweed Fertilizer with Natural Micronutrients on the Alkaloid Galanthamine in the Foliage and Immature Bulbs of Daffodils, Report to Alzeim
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2010. Report to William Shearer (Agricultural Seeds & General Merchants) on Research and Development Activities With North European Cereal Varieties In Orkney in 2010, Agronomy Institute, Orkney College UHI
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2010.  Report to Highland Park Distillery on the Performance of an Orkney Supply Chain for Malting Barley in 2010, Agronomy Institute, Orkney College UHI
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2010.  Review of Agronomy Institute Sweet Gale Research in 2010, Year two report, Agronomy Institute, Orkney College UHI
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2010. A preliminary list of Highlands & Islands plant species suitable for commercialisation for food & drink, cosmetic and medicinal end-uses, Report to Agros Associates, Dec/10
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2010, Progress report on the sweet gale trial at Alvie Estate during 2009, year one report, Agronomy Institute, Orkney College UHI
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2010, Progress report on the sweet gale trial at Blair Atholl Estate during 2009, year one report, Agronomy Institute, Orkney College UHI
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2010, Progress report on the sweet gale trial at Eathie (Black Isle) during 2009, year one report, Agronomy Institute, Orkney College UHI
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2010, Progress report on the sweet gale trial at Glenborrodale (Ardnamurchan Estate) during 2009, year one report, Agronomy Institute, Orkney College UHI
  • Peter Martin, Xianmin Chang, etc., 2009, Feasibility Project to Investigate the Development of Supply Chain of Modern Malting Barley in Orkney for Highland Park Distillery, Year one Report
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2009, Summary of the main results of Sweet Gale from Agronomy Institute research during 2009, Agronomy Institute, Orkney College UHI
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2009, Progress report on the sweet gale trial at Alvie Estate during 2008, year one report, Agronomy Institute, Orkney College UHI
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2009, Progress report on the sweet gale trial at Blair Atholl Estate during 2008, year one report, Agronomy Institute, Orkney College UHI
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2009, Progress report on the sweet gale trial at Eathie (Black Isle) during 2008, year one report, Agronomy Institute, Orkney College UHI
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2009, Progress report on the sweet gale trial at Glenborrodale (Ardnamurchan Estate) during 2008, year one report, Agronomy Institute, Orkney College UHI
  • Peter Martin & Xianmin Chang2008, Review of Sweet Gale Field Research from December 2007 to August 2008, Annual report for Boots Company
  • Peter Martin, Xianmin Chang, etc., 2008. Final Report to HiLinks on a Feasibility study Investigating the Potential of Producing Specialist Biscuits from Local Grown and Produced Grains in Orkney, Final Report to Hi-Links.
  • Peter Martin, Xianmin Chang, etc., 2008. Final Report to HiLinks on a Feasibility Project to Investigate the Development of Supply Chain For Bere to Produce Niche Market Bere Whisky at Bruichladdich Distillery, Final Report to Hi-Links


  • Long, J., Wang, Z., Chang, X., Cao, W and Li, J. 2002. Production of Food Legumes, Jindun Press,  ISBN: 7-5082-2013-7
  • Chang, X. 1995 (1st Ed),1997 (2nd Ed). The Source of Food and Clothing (2ed), Hainan Press, ISBN: 7-80112-040-X (Crops: wheat, barley, rice, maize, millet, sorghum, soybean, sweet potato, potato, cotton, groundnut, sesame, rapeseed, sunflower, castor-oil plant, sugarcane, sugar beet, sweetening chrysanthemum)
  • Chang, X.1996. Practices of Crop Breeding, China Agricultural University Press
  • Chang, X., Guo, Y., Shou, Y., and Li, L. 1987 (1st Ed),1992 (2nd Ed). Field Technique and Biological Investigation of Crops, Beijing Agricultural University Press