Research areas
Industrial livestock production, Animal Health, Digital Farming, Antimicrobial Resistance, Farming Behaviours, Food Sustainability and Environmental Governance.
Research grants
2024 – 2025 (PI): AWRN Kick-Start Award (£6,602): Opportunities for the Progression of Farm Animal Welfare in China
2022 – 2025 (PI): Wellcome Research Fellowship in Humanities and Social Science (£197,441)
The Future of One Health? The Challenges and Opportunities of Using Digital Technologies to Strengthen Infectious Disease Management and Animal Health Responses in China
2021 – 2025 (CO-I): The COST Biosecurity Enhanced Through Training Evaluation and Raising Awareness (BTTER)
2021 – 2023 (CO-I): The GW4 Generator Grant (£10,000) Understanding Azole Use in Food Crops and its Impacts on Waterbodies and AMR in the UK
2021 – 2023 (Participant): ESRC UK Taiwan Networking Grant (£24, 864)
2020 GW4 Crucible Grant (PI): Building a communicative pathway to reduce AMR; a study of cattle farmers’ perceptions of on-farm E. coli infections in the UK (£2,690)
2020 Cabot Institute Innovation Fund (CO-I): Understanding agricultural azole use, impacts on local water bodies and AMR: building on interdisciplinary evidence base in Devon and Bristol (£3,986)
Q3087 - Advanced Dairy Chains (module leader)
Q3110 - Global Meat Chains (module leader)
International journals
- Hinchliffe, S., Blanchette, A., Chan, K. W., Degeling, C., Emel, J., Leach, M., ... & Winter, M. (2024). Understanding the roles of economy and society in the relative risks of zoonosis emergence from livestock. Royal Society Open Science, 11(7), 231709,
- Moya, S., Hibbard, R., Asenjo, G., Skjølstrup, N. K., Chan, K. W., Eberhart, J., ... & Paul, M. C. (2024). Capturing the complexity of veterinarians’ antibiotic prescribing practices in the livestock sector: a meta-ethnography across contexts: Veterinarians’ antibiotic prescribing in different contexts. JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance, 6(6), dlae177,
- Chan, K. W. R., & Enticott, G. (2023). Good methods for good farmers? Mapping the language of good farming with “diligent farmers” in Hong Kong. Journal of Rural Studies, 100, 103005,
- Hinchliffe, S., Bard, A., Chan, K. W., Adam, K., Bruce, A., Reyher, K., & Buller, H. (2023). Regulating antimicrobial resistance: market intermediaries, poultry and the audit lock-in. Agriculture and Human Values, 1-14.
- Bard, A. M., Hinchliffe, S., Chan, K. W., Buller, H., & Reyher, K. K. (2023). ‘I Believe What I’m Saying More Than the Test’: The Complicated Place of Rapid, Point-of-Care Tests in Veterinary Diagnostic Practice. Antibiotics, 12(5), 804,
- Bruce, A., Buller, H., Chan, K. W., Tait J., Adam, K., (2022). Creating an Innovation Ecosystem for Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Livestock to Support Sustainable Antibiotic Use. Journal of Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 34 (11),1249-1262,
- Moya, S., Chan, K. W., Hinchliffe, S., Buller, H., Espluga, J., Benavides, B., ... & Allepuz, A. (2021). Influence on the implementation of biosecurity measures in dairy cattle farms: Communication between veterinarians and dairy farmers. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 105329,
- Chan, K. W. (2020). Politics of Smell: Constructing Animal Waste Governmentality and Good Farming Subjectivities in Colonial Hong Kong. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 1055-1074,
- Chan, K. W., Bard, A., Adam, K., Rees, G., Morgan, L., Liz, C., Hinchliffe, S., Barrett, D., Reyher, K., and Buller, H. (2020). Diagnostic Practices and the Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance: A Survey of UK Livestock Vets. Veterinary Record, 1-15,
- Buller. H., Adam, K., Bard, A., Bruce, A., Chan, K. W., Hinchliffe, S., Morgan, L., Rees, G., Reyher, K. (2020). Veterinary diagnostic practice and the use of rapid tests in antimicrobial stewardship on UK livestock farms, Frontiers Veterinary Science, 1-27,
- Maye. D. and Chan, K. W. (2020). On-farm biosecurity in livestock production: farmer behaviour, cultural identities and practices of care. Journal of Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, 1-15,
- Chan, K. W. and Enticott, G. (2019). The Suzhi farmer: Constructing and contesting farming Subjectivities in post-Socialist China. Journal of Rural Studies, 67, 69-78,
- Chan, K. W. and Flynn, A. (2018). Food Production Standards and the Chinese Local State: Exploring New Patterns of Environmental Governance in the Bamboo Shoot Industry in Lin’an. The China Quarterly, 849-875,
- Flynn, A., Chan, K. W., Zhu, Z. H., & Yu, L. (2017). Sustainability, space and supply chains: The role of bamboo in Anji County, China. Journal of Rural Studies, 49, 128-139,
- Chan K. W. (2016) Rethinking the Mechanism of the Social Impact Assessment with the ‘right to the city’ Concept: A Case Study of the Blue House Revitalisation in Hong Kong (2006-2012). International Planning Studies, 305-319,
- Chan K. W. and Byron, M. (2015). Capitalist Pigs: Governmentality, Subjectivities, and the Regulation of Pig Farming in Colonial Hong Kong (1950-1970). Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 1022-1042,
Book chapters
- Jones, A. and Chan K. W. (2024). What can ecotheological and agroecological accounts contribute to biopolitical perspectives on farming? In Harris, Mark (Eds.). God and the Book of Nature: Experiments in Theology of Science, Routledge, 1-19
- Maye, D. and Chan K. W. (2021). Contrasting national biosecurity regimes: plant and animal bio-politics in the UK and China. In Barker, K. and Robert, A. Francis (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Biosecurity and Invasive Species. Routledge, Abingdon, 243-260,
- Chan K. W. (2015). Contesting Urban Agriculture: The Politics of Meat Production in the License-Buy-Back Scheme (2006-2007) in Hong Kong. In Jody Emel and Harvey Neo, (Eds.), Political Ecologies of Meat, Routledge, 295-314,
- Chan K. W. (2015). Governance of Sustainable Development in China: A case study of the Bamboo Shoot Production in Lin’an County, China. In Jenna Condie and Anna Cooper, (Eds.) Dialogue of Sustainable Urbanisation: Social Science Research and Transitions to Urban Contexts, 171-175,