Kin Wing (Ray) Chan


Kin Wing (Ray) Chan is a Wellcome Research Fellow (2022-2025), specialising in industrial livestock production, digital farming and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in both the British and Chinese One Health systems. His research draws on insights from Human Geography, Veterinary Science, and Science and Technologies Studies to examine the interrelationships between precision livestock farming technologies, biopolitics, and farm animal production.

Ray works as a principal investigator on a Wellcome Trust project entitled ‘Using Digital Technologies to Manage Animal Health Responses in China’ (2022 - 2025). He is actively involved in two global research networks: EU COST-Action project on Biosecurity (2021 - 2025) and UK-Taiwan ESRC research (2022 - 2023).

Editorial Responsibilities

2023 - Present: Editorial board member of Springer Nature Humanities & Social Sciences.

2018 - Present: Review editor for the Journal of Frontiers in Veterinary Science.

2015 - Present: Peer reviewer for academic journals, including Environment and Planning C & D, China Quaterly, Journal of Rural Studies, Geoforum, The Pacific Review, Agriculture and Human Values, Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Habitat International, Modern Asian Studies, Preventative Veterinary Medicine, other social science and veterinary science journals.


Research areas

Industrial livestock production, Animal Health, Digital Farming, Antimicrobial Resistance, Farming Behaviours, Food Sustainability and Environmental Governance.

Research grants

2024 – 2025 (PI): AWRN Kick-Start Award (£6,602): Opportunities for the Progression of Farm Animal Welfare in China

2022 – 2025 (PI): Wellcome Research Fellowship in Humanities and Social Science (£197,441)

The Future of One Health? The Challenges and Opportunities of Using Digital Technologies to Strengthen Infectious Disease Management and Animal Health Responses in China

2021 – 2025 (CO-I): The COST Biosecurity Enhanced Through Training Evaluation and Raising Awareness (BTTER)

2021 – 2023 (CO-I): The GW4 Generator Grant (£10,000) Understanding Azole Use in Food Crops and its Impacts on Waterbodies and AMR in the UK

2021 – 2023 (Participant): ESRC UK Taiwan Networking Grant (£24, 864)

2020 GW4 Crucible Grant (PI):  Building a communicative pathway to reduce AMR; a study of cattle farmers’ perceptions of on-farm E. coli infections in the UK (£2,690)

2020 Cabot Institute Innovation Fund (CO-I): Understanding agricultural azole use, impacts on local water bodies and AMR: building on interdisciplinary evidence base in Devon and Bristol (£3,986)

Q3087 - Advanced Dairy Chains (module leader)

Q3110 - Global Meat Chains (module leader)



International journals

  1. Hinchliffe, S., Blanchette, A., Chan, K. W., Degeling, C., Emel, J., Leach, M., ... & Winter, M. (2024). Understanding the roles of economy and society in the relative risks of zoonosis emergence from livestock. Royal Society Open Science, 11(7), 231709,
  2. Moya, S., Hibbard, R., Asenjo, G., Skjølstrup, N. K., Chan, K. W., Eberhart, J., ... & Paul, M. C. (2024). Capturing the complexity of veterinarians’ antibiotic prescribing practices in the livestock sector: a meta-ethnography across contexts: Veterinarians’ antibiotic prescribing in different contexts. JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance, 6(6), dlae177,
  3. Chan, K. W. R., & Enticott, G. (2023). Good methods for good farmers? Mapping the language of good farming with “diligent farmers” in Hong Kong.  Journal of Rural Studies, 100, 103005,
  4. Hinchliffe, S., Bard, A., Chan, K. W., Adam, K., Bruce, A., Reyher, K., & Buller, H. (2023). Regulating antimicrobial resistance: market intermediaries, poultry and the audit lock-in. Agriculture and Human Values, 1-14.
  5. Bard, A. M., Hinchliffe, S., Chan, K. W., Buller, H., & Reyher, K. K. (2023). ‘I Believe What I’m Saying More Than the Test’: The Complicated Place of Rapid, Point-of-Care Tests in Veterinary Diagnostic Practice. Antibiotics, 12(5), 804,
  6. Bruce, A., Buller, H., Chan, K. W., Tait J., Adam, K., (2022). Creating an Innovation Ecosystem for Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Livestock to Support Sustainable Antibiotic Use. Journal of Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 34 (11),1249-1262,
  7. Moya, S., Chan, K. W., Hinchliffe, S., Buller, H., Espluga, J., Benavides, B., ... & Allepuz, A. (2021). Influence on the implementation of biosecurity measures in dairy cattle farms: Communication between veterinarians and dairy farmers. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 105329,
  8. Chan, K. W. (2020). Politics of Smell: Constructing Animal Waste Governmentality and Good Farming Subjectivities in Colonial Hong Kong. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 1055-1074,
  9. Chan, K. W., Bard, A., Adam, K., Rees, G., Morgan, L., Liz, C., Hinchliffe, S., Barrett, D., Reyher, K., and Buller, H. (2020). Diagnostic Practices and the Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance: A Survey of UK Livestock Vets. Veterinary Record, 1-15,
  10. Buller. H., Adam, K., Bard, A., Bruce, A., Chan, K. W., Hinchliffe, S., Morgan, L., Rees, G., Reyher, K. (2020). Veterinary diagnostic practice and the use of rapid tests in antimicrobial stewardship on UK livestock farms, Frontiers Veterinary Science, 1-27,
  11. Maye. D. and Chan, K. W. (2020). On-farm biosecurity in livestock production: farmer behaviour, cultural identities and practices of care. Journal of Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, 1-15,
  12. Chan, K. W. and Enticott, G. (2019). The Suzhi farmer: Constructing and contesting farming Subjectivities in post-Socialist China. Journal of Rural Studies, 67, 69-78,
  13. Chan, K. W. and Flynn, A. (2018). Food Production Standards and the Chinese Local State: Exploring New Patterns of Environmental Governance in the Bamboo Shoot Industry in Lin’an. The China Quarterly, 849-875,
  14. Flynn, A., Chan, K. W., Zhu, Z. H., & Yu, L. (2017). Sustainability, space and supply chains: The role of bamboo in Anji County, China. Journal of Rural Studies, 49, 128-139,
  15. Chan K. W. (2016) Rethinking the Mechanism of the Social Impact Assessment with the ‘right to the city’ Concept: A Case Study of the Blue House Revitalisation in Hong Kong (2006-2012). International Planning Studies, 305-319,
  16. Chan K. W. and Byron, M. (2015). Capitalist Pigs: Governmentality, Subjectivities, and the Regulation of Pig Farming in Colonial Hong Kong (1950-1970). Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 1022-1042,


Book chapters

  1. Jones, A. and Chan K. W. (2024). What can ecotheological and agroecological accounts contribute to biopolitical perspectives on farming? In Harris, Mark (Eds.). God and the Book of Nature: Experiments in Theology of Science, Routledge, 1-19
  1. Maye, D. and Chan K. W. (2021). Contrasting national biosecurity regimes: plant and animal bio-politics in the UK and China. In Barker, K. and Robert, A. Francis (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Biosecurity and Invasive Species. Routledge, Abingdon, 243-260,
  1. Chan K. W. (2015). Contesting Urban Agriculture: The Politics of Meat Production in the License-Buy-Back Scheme (2006-2007) in Hong Kong. In Jody Emel and Harvey Neo, (Eds.), Political Ecologies of Meat, Routledge, 295-314,
  1. Chan K. W. (2015). Governance of Sustainable Development in China: A case study of the Bamboo Shoot Production in Lin’an County, China. In Jenna Condie and Anna Cooper, (Eds.) Dialogue of Sustainable Urbanisation: Social Science Research and Transitions to Urban Contexts, 171-175,