Royal Agricultural University Statement on Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom
The Royal Agricultural University is committed to promoting an educational environment that encourages a range of ideas and views in the spirit of respectful debate and enquiry within the law.
The University will support an atmosphere of free and frank discussion and the expression of controversial opinion so long as this does not incite hatred, violence or public disorder. As well as meeting our legal requirements, we believe that the ability and opportunity to test ideas, hear and consider opinions that may be challenging and to engage in reasoned debate, is core to higher education for both students and staff.
This applies directly to our teaching and research activities as well as to events and other activities related to our educational work. In particular nothing shall restrict the freedom of academic staff within the law to question and test received wisdom and to put forward new ideas and controversial or unpopular opinions without placing themselves in jeopardy or losing their posts or any privileges they may have at the university.
All members of staff and students at the Royal Agricultural University have a responsibility to use these rights thoughtfully and not to deliberately seek to provoke hatred on the grounds of race, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation or any other grounds, or to attempt to draw people into terrorism.