Leaving a legacy

Pass on something wonderful ~ Leaving a legacy to the RAU can help to ensure that the University continues its vital work

The College would not have existed without the kindness of local landowners and friends who raised the funds to establish it, and throughout its history gifts left in Wills have had a transformative impact. After taking care of family and friends, please do consider a gift in your Will to the Royal Agricultural University. The RAU and the former Royal Agricultural College hold a special place in the hearts of many. By choosing to remember us in your Will, you weave your name into the fabric of the University and become part of the RAU’s story for generations to come. There are many ways in which your gift can make a real and lasting difference.

Supporting the next generation

Your legacy could ensure that the brightest and best students can benefit from first-class teaching, whatever their circumstances, by providing scholarships, grants and awards for academic excellence.

Changing lives through research

Our researchers are focused on finding solutions to the global challenges of today – and tomorrow. Your gift could help to find the answers.

Protecting our heritage and planning for the future

Our buildings and grounds are among the most beautiful in the UK and a central part of the student experience. Your gift could help to safeguard and develop these stunning natural environments for future generations.


We’ve produced some suggested wording for your Will. We ask that you include our Exempt Charity reference and address, as this ensures that any sum left to the University is free of inheritance tax.

Exempt charity reference: (2019/586)

Address: Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 6JS

• Whenever you write or update your Will, we strongly recommend that you seek professional advice from a legal advisor.

• A residuary gift maintains its real value in relative terms, regardless of inflation: “I give to the Royal Agricultural University a gift of all [or a percentage or share of your estate] after allowing for expenses, pecuniary and specific bequests.”

• A pecuniary gift is a gift of a fixed sum of money. Please be aware that because of inflation, the value of the gift may reduce over time, which may require the Will to be updated at a later date: “I give to the Royal Agricultural University the sum of [in figures and in words] free from all taxes and duties, to be applied to the general purposes [or your preferred area] of the University and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other authorised officer for the time being of the University shall be good and sufficient discharge to my Executors.”

For more information or to discuss your gift, please contact Julia Jenkins at julia.jenkins@rau.ac.uk or 01285 889858.

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