Make a donation

There are a number of ways that you can make a gift to the RAU which will make a difference for current students and future generations. We are enormously grateful to all our alumni and friends for their support.

Regular donations

You can make a regular, monthly, quarterly or annual gift by setting up a Direct Debit. You can use our online portal (above), or alternatively please complete a Donation Form and email to


Please make your cheque payable to The Royal Agricultural University and send it, along with a completed Donation Form to: Alumni & Development Office, The Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 6JS.

Leaving a legacy

The Royal Agricultural University is an exempt charity, meaning that all gifts can be made tax-effectively. The University pays no tax on gifts of money or property made in your lifetime or after your death, and a legacy to the Royal Agricultural University can reduce any tax payable by your estate.

If you would like to leave a gift to the University in your Will and enable an investment for generations to come, please contact the Development Office on 01285 652531.

Gift Aid

Gift Aid is an easy way for charities to increase the value of gifts of money from UK taxpayers by claiming back the basic rate tax paid by the donor. If you are a UK taxpayer, every £1 you give with Gift Aid is worth £1.25 to the University, at no extra cost to you. If you are a higher rate taxpayer, you can also claim tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return.

You donate RAU reclaims
Basic Tax of
Total value of
gift to RAU
You reclaim tax
(if higher-rate payer)
Net cost
to you
£50 £12.50 £62.50 £12.50 £37.50
£100 £25 £125 £25 £75
£250 £62.50 £312.50 £62.50 £187.50
£750 £187.50 £937.50 £187.50 £562.50
£2,000 £500 £2,500 £500 £1,500