International Referral Programme terms and conditions


The purpose of this Programme is to recognise and reward our incredible alumni and current students who share their experiences of studying at the RAU with family, friends or colleagues. As students and alumni, you are best placed to understand the potential and values of future students, and we in turn value your insight and connections.


  • ‘Referrer’ is the term used for a student / alumnus who refers a friend, colleague or family member.
  • The ‘Referred Student’ is the person being referred to the RAU.
  • ‘Referral’ is the term used for the act of referring a student to the RAU.


This Programme will be open until 14 July 2025 and will be reviewed throughout this period. The RAU may decide to extend or shorten the above period, amend the terms and conditions, and or adapt the Programme, i.e. by excluding certain countries or markets if so required.

Eligibility criteria for participants


  • The Programme is open to all alumni of the RAU who have successfully graduated from a full-time or part-time programme.
  • The Programme is also open to current RAU students considered to be in ‘good standing’ (i.e. not suspended, withdrawn or a debtor).
  • Some alumni and current students may be excluded from applying (see below).

Referred students

  • Referred students must be new students who have not previously applied, enquired or enrolled on any RAU programme (i.e. not already on the RAU database of active and prospective students). Previous applicants or enquirers will be eligible to be referred, provided they last enquired or applied over two years ago. Former RAU students or graduates cannot be referred.
  • Referred students who have already applied to the RAU through an alternative application platform (e.g. UCAS) before being referred will not be eligible.
  • Referred students can be from any overseas country and/or any nationality.
  • Referred students must be paying ‘international fees’ and not ‘home fees’.
  • Referred students can enrol on to any degree or accredited course or programme (lasting 12 months or longer) at the RAU.
  • To be eligible for a reward, Referred students must provide their personal details by completing a referral form <insert link> This must be completed prior to applying to the University.
  • Referred students must enrol on a programme of study at the RAU within 12 months of being referred (this period starts once their Referrer submits their form).
  • Referred students can apply for a scholarship after making their initial application following a referral.
  • To qualify for a reward, Referred students must successfully enrol on to their chosen programme, be up-to-date with their agreed payment plan, and successfully complete their first academic semester.

Who is not eligible to participate

  • Employees of the RAU (includes full-time, part-time and associate staff who are contracted to the RAU) are not eligible to be either a Referrer or a Referred student.
  • Referred students who are employed by any organisation with whom the RAU has a corporate partnership agreement.
  • Referred students whose tuition fee is fully funded by an external scholarship.
  • Recruitment Agents (i.e. individuals, or representatives of organisations, acting in an agency capacity who generate income from identifying potential international students and facilitating their application and enrolment) with whom the RAU has a working relationship or existing contractual agreement.
  • Anyone who exercises personal consultation with a prospective student after an enquiry or application has been submitted.
  • Referred students who are considered UK nationals or residents.
  • Referred students who enrol at the RAU through a recruitment ‘agency’ or who subsequently take up the services of a recruitment agency after being Referred (as would their Referrer). The RAU will ensure all Referred students who apply and enrol are verified as non-agent students.
  • Former RAU students or graduates cannot be referred.


Rewards for Referrers

  • For each successful referral, Referrers will receive a financial reward of £500 (via bank transfer) within six months of the Referred student finishing their first semester.
  • In all cases, a successful referral is achieved when all required conditions detailed above are met.
  • Referrers can choose to donate their reward (in part or in full) to the RAU’s Scholarship or Student Hardship funds.
  • Referrers can submit any number of referrals under the Programme per academic year.
  • Reward payments for each successful referral application under the Programme may be subject to taxes according to the laws of the country of residence of the Referrer.
  • The RAU reserves the right to not pay a reward if a Referral is invalidated at any time prior to the payment due date.

Rewards for Referred students

  • Referred students will receive their reward of up to £500 in the form of a tuition fee deduction from their set tuition fees. This will be applied once the enrolled referred student has completed their first semester and upon passing final eligibility checks. The fee deduction will be applied by the end of the Referred student's second semester.
  • Rewards for Referred students will not impact on other financial support available to them such as bursaries or scholarships.

Conditions for the processing of a referral application

  • Referred students must successfully enrol at the RAU and remain on their programme of study for their first academic semester, and be shown to be engaging well with their course.
  • At the end of their first academic semester, the referred student must be up-to-date with the payment plan initiated in their offer from the RAU, must not be in dispute with the RAU, and must not be subject to any disciplinary procedure(s), including relating to academic matters.
  • Referred students must come to the RAU unattached and not linked with any recruitment agency or partner institution or organisation.
  • The Referrer must not be in a dispute with or be indebted to the RAU.
  • Bank details of successful Referrers will be requested (and should be provided) upon the confirmation that a reward payment will be processed.

The RAU reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions of the Programme at any point.