What to pack if you're travelling from outside the UK
Carry the below in your hand luggage in case hold luggage is late or lost:
- Visa and entry clearance documents
- Your offer letter
- Proof of your qualifications (certificates, diplomas etc)
- Scholarship/funding information documents
- Travel and health insurance documents
- Cash, travellers cheques/credit cards
- Contact details and directions for your accommodation
The weather in the UK is changeable. Temperatures may go down as low as -10 degrees celsius during the winter (Dec - March) and as high as 32 degrees in the summer (June - Aug). Rainfall is common but most of the time it is light.
If you arrive in September we suggest you bring a sweater and a light (waterproof) jacket or a small umbrella for the journey. A pair of comfortable, waterproof shoes is also recommended. Agriculture and equine students are advised to have a pair of wellington boots.
There is no particular dress code. In general students tend to dress informally (jeans, T-shirt, trainers) whilst on campus. Formal clothes are occasionally worn either for recruitment events with employers or at social events such as the Welcome Week, the Christmas Ball and May Ball.
Electrical appliances
Electricity in the UK operates on 220-240 volts. You should check your appliance manual to ensure it will work in the UK. You'll also require a three pin plug adaptor, which is available in most shops.
Mobile phone
Check with your mobile phone provider before you travel to the UK. It may be expensive to make calls in the UK and back home from your current phone. Pay as you go phones can be bought for as little as £5, although individual call and text charges may be comparatively higher. Pre-pay phones and SIM cards do not require a UK bank account or address and are easy to buy once you arrive in the UK.