Undergraduate: Funding your time at university
Starting university is one of the biggest investments you will make in your future. It also requires significant financial commitment to pay for your course tuition fees, accommodation fees and living expenses.
We understand that managing your finances can seem like a daunting and complicated process - but it need not be and you don’t have to figure it out alone. The Student Fees team is here to help. Whether you need advice on how to fill in your loan application or have concerns about how to manage your budget, you can come to us at any time. We can advise on the options available and what you’re eligible for so that you get the support you need. Please get in touch by emailing the team studentfees@rau.ac.uk.
Here is an external resource that you may find useful to help you manage your finances well: The Student Money Manual produced by The Money Charity.
Tuition fees
Tuition fees cover the cost of your academic studies. This usually includes teaching costs, registration and examination fees (excluding repeat or trailing modules, re-sit fees or coursework resubmission).
Any costs associated with work placements will be your responsibility. There may be additional study tour charges on some courses. Please refer to the fees section on the individual course pages for details.
Full details of undergraduates fees for 2025/26 are shown below:.
Fees Undergraduate 2025/26 (New and continuing students) |
UK (incl. Channel Islands & Isle of Man) | |
BSc Year 0 | £5,760 full-time |
BSc, Foundation degrees and Top-up courses | £9,535 p.a. full-time |
Placement Year | £1,907 |
Graduate Diploma(Graduate Certificate pro rata) | £9,535 p.a. full-time |
Graduate Diploma (over 2 years) | £4,768 p.a. part-time |
15 credit module** | £1,195 |
20 credit module** | £1,590 |
International | |
BSc, Foundation and Top-up courses | £16,950 p.a. full-time |
Placement Year | £3,390 |
Graduate Diploma | £16,950 p.a. full-time |
15 credit module** | £2,120 |
MSc/MBA 15 credit module** | £1,850 |
20 credit module** | £2,825 |
** This fee would be pro-rata if more or less credits were taken.
Please note: International students can study on a part-time basis only if they are in the UK with a different type of visa (other than Student visa Child/General) that:
- Allows them to undertake part-time study and
- Their visa does not expire prior to the end date of the proposed course of study
Please contact admissions@rau.ac.uk before you apply to confirm your eligibility.
Determining your fee status
On receipt of your application, the University will assess the level of fees that you'll be required to pay during your study. To enable the University to determine your classification status for fees purposes as either UK/EU or international fee paying student we may ask you to provide the following information:
- Your nationality
- The nationality of both of your parents
- Date of arrival in the UK (prior to the start of the course)
- Your immigration status in the UK
- The place and country where you have lived in the past three years
- The place and country where your parents have lived in the past three years
In certain cases, when a fee status assessment cannot be completed on the information above, we may ask you to complete a fee status assessment questionnaire.
Further information on fee status can be found on the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) website.
UK students
If you are classified as a UK student undertaking your first undergraduate degree, the tuition fee for 2025/26 will be £9,535.
We offer some courses on a fixed part-time basis, please refer to the individual course page for more information on tuition fees for these.
International/EU students
If you are not classified as a UK student and are undertaking your first undergraduate degree, the tuition fee for 2025/26 will be £16,950.
Accommodation and living costs
The RAU is located just outside of Cirencester in the South West of England. You have three choices for your accommodation during your studies. You can live on campus with a room in one of the halls of residence with the option of half-board or self-catering. You can rent accommodation in Cirencester or surrounding areas or you can live at home and commute into the campus each day.
Please refer to these page for more information on the costs associated with these options:
Funding your university costs
UK Students
Student loans
There is financial support available from the Government to help UK undergraduate students cover the costs of living and studying. Funding is available whether you are studying full-time or part-time. Please visit this page to find out more about these student loans.
Additional support for students with a disability
You may be entitled to Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs). You’re considered disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term effect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs) are grants to help pay the extra essential costs you may have as a direct result of your disability, including a long-term health condition, mental-health condition or specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia or dyspraxia. You don’t have to pay these back.
For both full-time and part-time undergraduate students there’s a single allowance of up to £26,948 a year which can cover:
- Specialist equipment, for example a computer if you need one because of your disability
- Non-medical helpers
- Extra travel because of your disability
- Other disability-related costs of studying
How much you can get doesn’t depend on your household income, but does depend on your individual needs. You’ll be asked if you want to apply for DSAs when you’re applying for your main student finance. Once you’ve applied for your main student finance you’ll be able to apply for DSAs online.
After you’ve submitted your application for DSAs, you’ll be told what evidence you need to send to support your application. If you only want to apply for DSAs and no other type of student finance, you need to complete a DSA1 application form which you’ll be able to download at www.gov.uk/studentfinance once the service opens. You should apply and send your evidence as early as possible, the application process for DSAs can take around 14 weeks.
You can find out more information about what’s available where you live from the following websites.
- England: gov.uk/disabled-students-allowances-dsas
- Scotland: saas.gov.uk
- Wales: studentfinancewales.co.uk
- Northern Ireland: studentfinanceni.co.uk
Funding for students from the Armed Forces
The MOD's Enhanced Learning Credits scheme (ELC) promotes lifelong learning amongst members of the Armed Forces. The scheme provides financial support in the form of a single up-front payment in each of a maximum of three separate financial years. For more information visit the ELCAS site.
Bursaries, awards and scholarships
There are different forms of financial support on offer to prospective undergraduates. Each has different criteria. Please visit our bursaries, awards and scholarships page to find out more.
If you live in an area which has a lower rate of student progression to higher education, you may be eligible for an RAU bursary.
This list is not exhaustive and you may be eligible for financial support from other sources such as charitable trusts.
Paid employment
Some students undertake paid employment whilst studying at the RAU. However, the university strongly recommends that your paid employment is no more than 10 hours per week so that you have time to concentrate on your studies.
Overseas/international students
Bursaries and awards
There are different forms of financial support on offer to prospective undergraduates. Each has different criteria. Please visit this page to learn about some of those on offer.
This list is not exhaustive and you may be eligible for financial support from other sources such as charitable trusts.
Paid employment
Some students undertake paid employment whilst studying at the RAU. However, the university strongly recommends that your paid employment is no more than 10 hours per week so that you have time to concentrate on your studies. It is very important that you check that your visa permits you to undertake paid employment. If in doubt, contact the RAU payroll team on finance@rau.ac.uk.
Financial advice and Access to Learning funding
If you are in financial hardship you can apply for additional help from the Access to Learning fund at any point throughout the duration of your course. Please contact financial.support@rau.ac.uk for details and we'll be happy to advise.
Paying your fees
Please visit this page to find out about the options for paying your fees.
Finance-related policies
Please make yourself familiar with the various University policies related to fees and finance.