Transcript MBA Food and Agriculture video

The food and agriculture supply side is under considerable pressure and it requires innovation thinking, it requires leaders to be able to respond to those challenges to ensure we have sustainable supply systems, resilient food systems and be able to respond to the climate action needs.

Food and agriculture is right at the heart of those issues. The MBA programme is designed for those that have had a bit of experience and can build on that experience to develop their own leadership skills.

This programme particularly helps develop graduate skills that are valued in the workplace. First of all a professional approach, that's ability to work in teams, communicate in teams, support teams develop their approach. Sustainable mindset is very important because in the state of sustainable development how can we have a regenerative approach to business is very important. Of course technically skilled, being able to understand the relevant digital and technical processes for thefood and agricultural sector, and lastly, very importantly, an innovative thinker. MBA students need to be able to approach different challenges in an innovative way and that's what the programme delivers.

The MBA is particularly useful at the RAU because we have a very strong alumni network with very strong connections with the food and agriculture industries. That network allows us to use real case examples to explore the challenges that are facing those sectors. Also our other specialty is our social enterprise, that's working with students to develop new businesses such as the Cotswold Hills wine, and that very practical experience is very useful for our students.

This is about delivering you that extra edge in the workplace, giving you the personal leadership skills to help a food or agricultural business develop and thrive in the modern world.