Transcript of Business courses video
Life is governed by strategy and at every point in time you need somebody who can help you to develop your strategy in your business, and I tell my students something - you are going to be paid for your brains, you're going to be paid for the decisions you take based on your understanding of strategy.
I've done business for a number of years and specifically this university course in business I think has prepared me a lot better going into more of the nitty-gritty of business aspects, things like imports, exports, tariffs, all of that thing I knew it but I didn't know all the little fine bits, especially about agri-business. (This should provide an answer to your research question.)
Our business courses are developed in such a way where students are able to apply theory to practice. At the second year of the course students are able to go on a 15 week placement. In addition to that students have the opportunity to take a one-ear long placement. Whichever way it is, students are able to have that industry experience while they study.
We've got a host of facilities available, our partnership with local employers, students enjoy visits, they enjoy the opportunity to network and of course guest lectures. In addition to this the RAU runs an entrepreneurship programme which is called Ignite. Students have the opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial skills and ideas from start to finish.
RAU is big enough - we have good greenery to contain every student. RAU is small enough, as a university to reach everyone. A very beautiful serene environment where students can have you know a nice time.
There's a lot of things I enjoy about being here you know. Firstly I've I've never come from a really big school, I've always been in quite small schools and having RAU quite small it means I know a lot of people from all the different age groups. The lectures are also very flexible and the lecturers all have very flexible schedules with meetings, or you know just impromptu pop-ins, it's very accommodating, you will learn a lot about ag, you'll learn a lot about business, you'll learn a lot about pretty much most things so I would say absolutely go for it if you're considering it!