Transcript of MSc Agroecology video

There's quite a lot of dialogue these days around the fact that agriculture is largely impactful on the environment and possibly negatively impactful on the environment, so agroecology has a track record of being able to develop food systems that produce food for humans but also that support the environment at the same time. We're really working to say is there a way that we can have as much benefit as we can. We have a beautiful rural campus, we're within reach of quite a lot of innovative food systems activity, we're connected to farms, we're connected to woodlands, and we actually do link students in with all of those.

One of the USPs for the course is that we're working very closely with the Farm and Wildlife Advisory Group. So they actually have a very active role working on farms with farmers, really to help this process along, so that it's based on fostering positive relationships both from farmers into how we might work in the education or the research realm but also from education and research into that farm environment.

As with many of our master's programmes the invitation is for students really at any points in their career. What's interesting about master's level work and research and study is that you may not necessarily have an agricultural background, it would suit somebody who may have an environmental background or a policy background, so it has quite abroad appeal and yet it has a clear focus on developing resilient food and ecological environments.

We're an old or well established agricultural university, which gives us a certain foundation in the agricultural realm. We're also an innovating university so we're looking at what is happening in the agricultural domain and how is that shifting. So somebody who's coming here with an agricultural background I would say agroecology will encourage and invite and provide the possibility to think into that agricultural space in ways that are emerging. Someone who's not been in an agricultural background I would say we're going to open that space up for you and give you possibilities to think into it in different ways.