Dr Caroline Buffery


Caroline is a Senior Lecturer in Law on the Land and Property Modules in Real Estate and Rural Land Management.

She has been a Lecturer in law for a number of years, predominantly in Equity, Trusts and Land Law but also in other areas of Civil Litigation.

Caroline has a BSc, an LLM in Commercial Law, and was called to the Bar for the Inner Temple following the BVC. She also has a PhD in Law from the University of Birmingham.

Dr Caroline Buffery

Lecturer in Law 

BSc (Hons) (First), LLM Commercial Law (Cardiff University), BVC, PhD (University of Birmingham), FHEA: PGCap

Our values

As a University we have chosen five values to underpin our learning community.  These are the values which we will all work by and for which we want the RAU to be known.  We are:


We believe in the power of working together. We are stronger as a community of practice - inspiring each other, identifying shared goals, and providing reciprocal support leads to greater success.

University’s innovative recycled plastic flat wine bottle design scoops bronze at prestigious global wine awards

7 Feb 2023

An innovative, 100% recycled plastic, flat wine bottle being trialled by Cirencester’s Royal Agricultural University has scooped a bronze award in the Wine Design and Packaging category of the recent Global Wine Masters awards.


This is the first year that Cotswold Hills, the Royal Agricultural University’s award-winning wine and social enterprise based in Gloucestershire, has entered the international awards, and both staff and students are thrilled with the success.

Andrew Ellison


Senior Lecturer


  • Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • RICS Registered Valuer and Registered Business Valuer
  • Director of Next Stage Theatre Company – a not for profit theatre company located in The Mission Theatre, Bath

Andrew Ellison

Senior Lecturer

BA(Hons), PG Cert H.Ed, PG Cert Applied Social Research, FHEA, FRICS

Dr Lisa Morgans


Senior Lecturer in Animal Health & Welfare

Lisa is a veterinarian, trained facilitator and participatory action researcher with interests in Just Transitions in animal agriculture, Farm Animal Health & Welfare, Medicine stewardship and Technology use.

Lisa leads several modules on livestock and is the programme leader for the Graduate Diploma in Agriculture.

Dr Lisa Morgans

Senior Lecturer in Animal Health & Welfare


2022-23 on-campus accommodation fees

Accommodation fees to pay 2022-23

Room type Location Annual Price *Half Board Annual price Self Catered
Standard single George wing, Bledisloe Court, Coad Court £6652 N/A
Large standard single Bledisloe Court £6,885 N/A
Ensuite single Coad Court,

Dr Cassie Newland


Associate Professor in Cultural Heritage / Director of the Cultural Heritage Institute