BSc (Hons) Equine Science and Business (Professional Placement Year)

Gain a solid grounding in both scientific and business skills and grasp the growing number of opportunities available through our network of industry contacts.

Course overview

BSc (Hons) Equine Science and Business

Gain a solid grounding in both scientific and business skills and grasp the growing number of opportunities available through our network of industry contacts.

Course overview

BSc / BA (Hons) Environment & Sustainability (Professional Placement Year)

The growing awareness of environmental issues and the associated problems that individuals, society and the government are encountering means that there is increasing focus and support being given to this sector. Sustainability is at the heart of this and employers are actively seeking trained graduates with skills and knowledge in environmental sustainability. This new programme provides students with a great opportunity to help fill this gap.

Course overview

Undergraduate courses

BSc / BA (Hons) Environment & Sustainability (Foundation Year)

The growing awareness of environmental issues and the associated problems that individuals, society and the government are encountering means that there is increasing focus and support being given to this sector. Sustainability is at the heart of this and employers are actively seeking trained graduates with skills and knowledge in environmental sustainability. This new programme provides students with a great opportunity to help fill this gap.

Course overview

Transcript of RAU Environment Courses Video

I'm so glad I came to the RAU because most of my course has been outside and for me that is such a big thing. Honestly it's such an amazing place and such an amazing campus, it's absolutely beautiful here.

I like the fact that it's a very small university and I quite like the close-knitness that that gives.

I'm from London myself so the thought of getting out of the city and being more rural definitely appealed to me.

FdSc Equine Management

This exciting new course covers all of the required practical skills for the British Horse Society Level 3 Groom's qualification, embedded within a framework of equine science and business based learning.

You will build knowledge and skills in horse care and management to reach this level throughout the two years. Students with little or no previous experience with horses will be expected to commit to additional sessions to develop these practical skills in order to meet the required standard. 

Course overview

Royal Agricultural University welcomes delegation from Emirate of Sharjah following partnership

14 July 2023

A high-level delegation from the Emirate of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates, including representatives from the Sharjah Private Education Authority, University of Sharjah, Sharjah Department of Public Works, and Sharjah Agriculture and Livestock Authority, has spent time visiting, and meeting senior staff at, the Royal Agricultural University (RAU) this week.

The visit, which also included time spent at the University of Bristol, follows the signing in May of a Memorandum of Understanding between the RAU, the University of Bristol, and the University of

BSc / BA (Hons) Environment & Sustainability

The growing awareness of environmental issues and the associated problems that individuals, society and the government are encountering means that there is increasing focus and support being given to this sector. Sustainability is at the heart of this and employers are actively seeking trained graduates with skills and knowledge in environmental sustainability. This new programme provides students with a great opportunity to help fill this gap.

Course overview

Food sustainability policy

Policy Ref: FS1

Version: 3.0

Consultation: Sustainability Action Group

Approving Body: VCAG

Executive Lead (Risk Owner): Chief Operating Officer

Policy Owner (Risk Updater): Associate Director of Commercial Services

Date Approved: