Jamie Franco Cipriani

Lecturer in Business

Fancy joining an archaeological dig or learning about the history of the Royal Agricultural University’s historic Cirencester campus?

21 August 2023

Dating back to 1845, Cirencester’s Royal Agricultural University - still known to many locally as the Royal Agricultural College – is the oldest agricultural college in the English-speaking world and, as you might expect, has an interesting and varied history.

And now we are officially opening the doors of our main Cirencester campus to visitors on Saturday 9 September as part of a free Heritage Open Days event taking place across England.

Dr David Adamson


From Apples to Zoonosis.

David is an agricultural economist who specialises in decision-making under risk and uncertainty. David has extensive experience in modelling economic production systems (irrigation, livestock, cropping, etc) to explore policy and strategic research issues.

He has applied these skills to protect capital (economic, social, cultural, and environmental) from issues including, but not limited to, biosecurity, water resources and climate change.

Dr David Adamson

Associate Professor of International Agriculture.

PhD, The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia, Master of Natural Resource Economics, UQ, Australia, Bachelor of Agricultural Economics, University of New England, Australia

The UK’s wash out summer impacts on annual harvest and hay making

8 August 2023

The recent spell of wet weather is the topic of conversation in shops, pubs, and hairdressing salons across the land and none of us is a fan but the amount of rain the UK has seen, since the start of July, is now starting to cause big problems for UK farmers.

As well as trying to find enough dry weather to harvest fields of wheat, barley, and other crops which are ready to be combined, many farmers have not even been able to make hay yet this year.

SAFS African Research Grant

About the grant

  • This grant will help MSc Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security students from an African country with return flights and living costs for a month of field research as part of the degree
  • Three grants will be awarded each academic year


To be eligible for the grant you must:

Dr Emmanuel Junior Zuza


Emmanuel is passionate about sustainable rural development and smallholder farmers, my objective is to contribute to the Agriculture and Food Security industry by enhancing smallholder crop productivity, food and nutrition security, and incomes. I am committed to promoting gender justice and addressing the challenges posed by climate change and information technology.

Dr Emmanuel Junior Zuza

Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management and Sustainability

PhD (The Open University), MSc (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane), BSc (University of Malawi).

Keep calm and call the RAU!

7 August 2023

Don’t panic, and take time to think, and chat, through all your options, is the advice from the Royal Agricultural University (RAU) to any students who may not receive the grades they were hoping for in their Highers or A-levels when the results come out this month.


Royal Agricultural University forges further links to improve food security and production in Uzbekistan

3 August 2023